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Now Minting
Enter the metaverse

Chain Runners XR is the newest addition to the Chain Runners Universe. We’re building a player token to be used across the vast web of digital experiences known as the metaverse. Play as your runner and dance between the ever-blurring lines of the physical and digital world. This is the foundation of a 3D Runnerverse.

A new dimension

We’ve taken every single trait and have fully realized it in 3D. In addition to a high quality PFP render users will be given the underlying 3D model to use however they want.

Every Genesis Chain Runner can claim an identical XR Runner for free. This is your key to a new class of 3D experiences in the Runnerverse.

Express yourself

We’re building a variety of experiences that allow self-expression across mediums. Bring your runner into the physical world with augmented reality.

Coming soon

Take Runner customization to the next level with a growing collection of wearables. Dress for style or identify as one of the many archetypes that will exist in Mega City. Fashion is an important cultural element for any universe. What other items might exist in this world?

Coming soon
3D Experiences

We've partnered with Nifty Island and are exploring other metaverse integrations for XR Runners. We're also building our own 3D experiences which we can't wait to share.

CC0 Primitives

The assets that make up this collection will be released under a full Creative Commons (CC0) license. By fostering an ecosystem where creators are incentivized to build by leveraging a validated brand, active community, and high quality primitives, we believe this universe can be massive.


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